Everyone is welcome to our services. St James' is the Parish Church of Daisy Hill, meaning everyone in this area is a member of this church. Whether or not you regularly come, or have never been inside, there will always be a space for you to come and be part of our community. If you are a bit scared to come through the door, don't worry. We will try and make you welcome and help you to feel at home.
Holy Communion
Every Sunday - 09.30am
A service of Common Worship, Holy Communion with Hymns
Family service 2nd Sunday of each month
Holy Communion (BCP)
Every Wednesday - 10.30am
A said service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer
Wiggle Worship
Every Wednesday during term time - 09.00am
Songs and fun activities for pre-school aged children and parents and guardians
Messy Church
Every school half-term. Please click here for dates
A lively and fun way to worship and play on a Saturday Morning
Reflective Services
St James' and the other churches in the Team hold quiet reflective services periodically, to give anyone who wishes to come the space to find some peace and tranquility, and to walk a quiet path with God. Please look out for announcements for the various services through the year in our news section.
For the current Pewsheet and Order of Service, please click below:
For the Sidesperson and Warden Sunday service rota, please click below: