Messy Church
Messy Church is held half-termly on a Saturday from 10am -12pm.
Messy Church is held half-termly on a Saturday from 10am -12pm.
A chance for everyone to have fun, explore faith and enjoy lunch together including crafts, games, free-play, stories, songs and family time.
A chance for everyone to have fun, explore faith and enjoy lunch together including crafts, games, free-play, stories, songs and family time.
All are welcome!
All are welcome!
Upcoming Messy Church Dates
Upcoming Messy Church Dates
19th October 2024
15th February 2025
22nd March 2025
10th May 2025
21st June 2025
If you haven't been to Messy Church before, don't worry! Here's what you can expect:
If you haven't been to Messy Church before, don't worry! Here's what you can expect:
10.00am - Help yourself to a drink and some breakfast and take a moment to look at the beautiful building you are standing in today. We meet each week to worship God in this Parish of St James.
10.15am - Activities will open. There are around 6-7 activities to explore. Help yourself to a bag to put all of your crafts in and feel free to use the pews in church to work on.
11.00am - We will meet together in worship.
11.15am - Lunch will be served. You will have made a sandwich choice when you arrived.
Although Messy Church is free of charge we do ask for donations to help cover the cost of crafts and catering!
Children must be accompanied by an adult.